忽聞海上有仙山, 山在虛無縹緲間;
樓閣玲瓏五雲起, 其中綽約多仙子。
中有一人字太真, 雪膚花貌參差是。
金闕西廂叩玉扃, 轉教小玉報雙成。
聞道漢家天子使, 九華帳裡夢魂驚。
攬衣推枕起徘徊, 珠箔銀屏迤邐開,
雲鬢半偏新睡覺, 花冠不整下堂來。
樓閣玲瓏五雲起, 其中綽約多仙子。
中有一人字太真, 雪膚花貌參差是。
金闕西廂叩玉扃, 轉教小玉報雙成。
聞道漢家天子使, 九華帳裡夢魂驚。
攬衣推枕起徘徊, 珠箔銀屏迤邐開,
雲鬢半偏新睡覺, 花冠不整下堂來。
Just then he hears that in the ocean is a mountain of divinities, upon which from void and haze a tower rises artfully into the rainbow clouds. In that tower live many fairies full and fair, among whom is a person whose style is Great Truth. Her skin is not unlike the snow, and flowers cannot far surpass her face. At the west wing of the Golden Watch he bows before the door of jade, and word is passed to Little Jade to call on the the twin [maids]. On hearing of Han's angel, behind the sumptuous canopy the dreaming soul is roused. She grabs her clothes and throws the cushions off; she rises and begins to pace -- the curtain of pearls and silver screen are pushed aside. The cloudy tresses yet are half distraught with sleep, and she comes down into the hall with garlands all in disarray.
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